Situational Awareness

EarlyAlert’s 24/7 monitoring of critical events and extreme hazards worldwide provides actionable, accurate, intelligent, and up-to-the-minute information on weather events, earthquakes, terrorism, civil unrest, tsunamis, major transportation incidents. Aids professionals who are responsible for the security of complex systems in high-risk situations – a key piece in crisis management solutions.


Incident Management

Incident Management Support Teams (IMSTs) support staffing during response and recovery efforts to ensure continuity of operations. This includes ESFs, ICS Operations, Planning, Logistics and Finance/Admin positions along with an emergency notification system for swift communication.


Emergency Management

Our approach includes comprehensive risk assessment to identify potential threats. All areas of emergency management are covered to assist clients from public and private sectors prepare, protect, respond recover and mitigate the impacts of man-made and natural disasters.


All Hazard Services

Preparation services for staff to respond appropriately to emergencies, aligning with disaster plans. This encompasses planning and training for natural, man-made, and technological hazards, ensuring readiness for critical events.


Continuity Solutions

Our services build, sustain, and improve your capability to prepare for, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards. We provide comprehensive Business Resiliency Programs & Continuity Management services, all-hazard planning, all-hazard training and exercises, ensuring your critical business functions continue despite serious incidents or disaster interruptions, a key aspect of crisis management solutions.


Extreme Weather

Real-time weather forecasting services for managing extreme weather risks, including severe thunderstorms, floods, winter weather, wildfires, hurricanes, and providing Weather Forensic & Post Storm Analysis. This vital service gives clients the time to mitigate risk and manage potentially threatening and costly hazards.


With EarlyAlert… Resiliency Pays!

A fusion of Business Practices and Methods.
Not just an administrative expense!


  • Real-time resiliency
  • Leveraging lessons learned and best practices
  • Survive, adapt and grow regardless of the disruption experienced
  • Monetizing resiliency
  • Crisis management solutions


Working together to build, sustain and improve your capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from and mitigate all hazards.

EarlyAlert delivers an enterprise-wide and highly resilient disaster preparedness/crisis management capacity to all of our clients worldwide.


Working together, we build, progressively enhance, and institutionalize a sustainable culture of readiness and resiliency where the avoidance and mitigation of disruption is experienced as a normal operating process.

EarlyAlert clients have a global footprint and daily exposure to every hazard.

We share, and we teach the practical skills necessary for an all-hazards operational competency, in matters of preparedness, protection, response, recovery, and mitigation of the vulnerabilities which lead to disruptions within the enterprise and its supply chains. The integration of EarlyAlert methods and practices consistently produces a net positive in terms of revenue, which is orders of magnitude greater than any investment directed toward receiving the full benefit of an EarlyAlert partnership.

“Boots on the Ground Experience!”

EarlyAlert principles offer direct and first-hand command and control experience from over fifty catastrophic events over forty years. These lifetimes well spent provide value that is unavailable elsewhere. There is no substitute for practical experience. EarlyAlert clients are in unanimous agreement on this point.

Are you prepared for a disaster?

According to the Association of Records Managers and Administration, about 60% of businesses that experience a major disaster such as a fire close within two years, over 40% of all companies that experience a disaster never reopen.

90% of businesses struck by data loss go out of business in two years0
40% of companies that experience a disaster never reopen0
60% of businesses that experience a major disaster close within two years0

Be prepared

Severe Disruptions can seriously harm business operations, be prepared with EarlyAlert’s CEMP.

The proprietary EarlyAlert (EA) management system referred to as the “EA CEMP, Comprehensive Emergency Management Program” is a distributed platform with four core competencies: Situational Awareness, Emergency Management, Continuity Services, and Restorative Governance. These functions are delivered by highly experienced and universally esteemed scientists, experts, and practitioners in their respective fields. This includes independently operated business units in London, UK, and Dublin, Ireland which comprise the core EA technology function, and the scientist/inventor of a patented device which provides highly accurate weather forecasting services by measuring electrical discharges in the atmosphere.

Constant State of Readiness

Operating in a constant state of readiness requires live up-to-the-minute intelligence covering all potential disruptive threats. With the Comprehensive Emergency Management Program, you will be ready for every eventuality and up-to-speed on what is going on, where and with the maximum warning time possible for any business disruption event.

Rapid Response & Recovery

With EarlyAlert’s products and services you will have a detailed emergency response plan ready to instantly kick into action to protect all your locations, people, and assets. An immediate response with clear lines of communication through an emergency notification system with a thorough emergency plan is critical to reducing operational downtime and minimizing all potential losses.

Save Lives, Assets and Time

Every second counts. The most damage and loss of life occur between a disruption event and when a full emergency response is underway. EarlyAlert’s products and services ensure a constant state of readiness with the resources and plan to respond immediately. When others are losing time and money in the throes of recovery, EarlyAlert clients are back up and running.

Find out more about EarlyAlert’s CEMP